How will I get my Audiobook?

We’ll provide instructions. You’ll listen to it in your account or with your podcast app.

How will I get my own copy of “Music from Dakota Spotlight” by Sleepy Driver?

You’ll get an email from us with a code and easy download instructions.

What’s this podcast “Confessions of a True Crime Podcaster”? How will I get it and how often do episodes come out?

This show is admittedly infrequent and unpredictable (which is partially the appeal) and does not run on a schedule. In fact, at the time of this writing (1/22/2024) James has not released the first installment. By definition this podcast will be an up-close and intimate sharing of some of James’ personal life, past experiences and his views on humanity, coping, living, breathing, writing & storytelling and, well … we really just don’t know. That’s sort of the beauty of it. And, it will only be made available to Ultimate tier subscribers. If there is a question you want to ask James or suggest he talk about in this podcast use the contact form here.